Dear Industry Patrons, Colleagues, and Friends:

The IIDA Georgia Chapter has always striven to provide meaningful resources to commercial interior designers and their clients to advance our profession. IIDA is at the center of a unique and thriving community of designers, educators, and industry associates whose work extends far beyond the boundaries of the built environment to the heart and lives of those who live and work in the spaces that we create. We create experiences. We evoke emotions. We inspire change.

IIDA exists at the very intersection of passion, purpose, collaboration, and careers. The International Interior Design Association, IIDA, stands for the future of design. As we move forward, we are committed to developing a more diverse, more connected, and more valuable experience for our members and, equally important, our patrons.

In 2024, we are looking forward to a year filled with new opportunities to support and further our profession, along the way celebrating all that is design in Georgia. We are committed to being face to face with our membership and creating new opportunities to do so more often. We are looking forward to honoring the many groundbreaking designers we are fortunate to have in our midst, and we are certainly looking forward to providing support to our students through scholarships and mentorship opportunities. Alongside our signature events (Best of the Best, Leaders Breakfast, and Dressed) we will be providing opportunities to serve our community through volunteerism, increasing our visibility through social media, and boosting our communications efforts.

We cannot do any of this without your support and sponsorship.

 Your contributions not only fund our daily operating expenses, but they also fuel our every effort in advancing the profession of interior design in Georgia and beyond. As part of our community of patrons, in addition to the benefits listed on the following pages, you will be receiving a monthly, patron-only newsletter that gives you insight into the upcoming months’ activities, kickoffs, opportunities, as well as a reminder and resources for using all your digital benefits. You will also be included on the list of IIDA Georgia Chapter Patrons that will be sent to all our Design Firms twice each year highlighting all the things your patron dollars support along with encouragement to consider our patron community for current and future projects.

 Without you, there would be no IIDA Georgia Chapter. If you are currently a patron, we hope that you will continue to support us with your generous donations and if you are not currently a patron, we hope that you will consider joining our IIDA Georgia Chapter community of financial supporters who are instrumental in elevating our profession and leading the way for our next generation of interior design innovators.

 Thank you for your support in 2024. We look forward to your continued support in 2025!


Lindsay Shockey, IIDA



Send us your communication requests to be featured on our social media and our monthly eBlasts

Questions related to Patron Packages can be directed to
Questions related to Sponsorship can be directed to






Contact if interested in sponsoring

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